Tuesday 19 March 2019

question #4

what else can we do to support the food crisis? 

we could change up our diets and eat the proper amount of food instead of over eating and wasting food. use only what you're gonna  eat, use the resources efficiently. and farms should grow more food on farms because we need more healthy food. and we need to start growing more trees.

link~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB9Enh6yP0w
second link~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQBw9JsBnI4

Tuesday 12 March 2019

task 3 question #2

question two why are in the world struggling to feed themselves.

governments of other counties where people are starving sell food to other counties to make money instead of feeding their people. developed countries buy crops to make biofuels instead of the crops ( corn) being used for food. this causes the price of corn to go up and makes food more expensive.

task 3 question #3

what is being done to help people who are struggling to feed themselves?

~ things that are being done to help feed people who're struggling to feed themselves is some people are trying to climate proof farms. in India the  government is giving famers millet sorghum and corn to grow because they are highly resistant to droughts and floods.  

 in Kenya they're cutting down the number of animals they have ( cows) so there isn't as much methane gas from cows. they're feeding cows protein rich feed so they produce nine times as much milk  

 and some farmers are having to adapt to these changes by finding out the right place to grow which food what conditions it needs to grow healthy. farms from Columbia are learning from farmers in Senegal information on what to plant when and where so they cope with long droughts. 

in Nigeria the government is coving their farms with insurance from bad weather 

Monday 11 March 2019

task 3 question #1

where in the world are people struggling to feed themselves. 

in places like south Sudan, Yemen, Somalia and Nigeria. over 20 million people are on the brink of famine. some people cant afford to buy food.  the government won't let them import food because they're curranty in wars. all these country's are located  in the middle east and Africa. because of where they are located there have been many droughts making it impossible to grow food or get water from rivers, lakes etc. 


task 2, my questions

1. where in the world are people struggling to feed themselves?

2. why are people in the world struggling to feed themselves?

3. what is being done to help people who are struggling to feed themselves?

4. how can we lower food prices?


task 1 my area of inquiry

my inquiry project is about how could the world avoid a global food crisis. I think that the main problem is that we're over populated, there needs to be a solution to affordable housing and food. and birth control is too expensive for people in poor countries so they have too many children that they can afford to feed. we need to find out a way we can lower food prices. many of these countries are involved on wars.

alternative energy bibliography

 textbook chapter twenty four https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/facts/renewable-energy/20069