Tuesday 30 April 2019

alternative energy summary

I think Canada should use more alternative energy because we're polluting the air majorly. Canada only uses 3% alternative energy which are wind turbines in Ontario and Quebec and biomass such as burning fire wood and solar panels. Canada needs to use more natural energy sources like wind , biofuels. but for biofuels we need to stop burning corn and food that people could've eaten. so maybe try using algae. and when we dig for oil its super expensive. some of the energy sources we use damages the earth and its affecting the wildlife because its destroying their habits. and once we run out of oil we'll need to replace it with something so I think we should start using alternative sooner than later. and if we use solar panels are super good for the environment because the sun is a super efficient energy source and Canada needs more solar panel.

alternative energy wind power/ biofuels

there's an unlimited amount of wind.... because its all round us. how these turbines work is opposite of a eclectic fan, the wind makes the turbine move and it generates electricity, instead of gas or water turbine. one singular turbine can generate the same amount of power as sixteen thousand solar panels. and depending where they are , the turbines are good for the environment and wildlife.

biofuels~  biofuels are made from living organisms like corn, soybean. in the future the united states wants to start using alfalfa and switchgrass as biofuels. if you're comparing which is more efficient, biofuels or fossil fuels, biofuels is the more efficient option because they're cheaper but you have to burn more to get the same amount of power. biofuels are hydrocarbons like fossil fuels, they both cause major pollution to the environment and atmosphere by releasing carbon dioxide in to the air. biofuels are carbon neutral, they absorb the whatever amount of carbon dioxide they produce. but however we need to look at how much food we're wasting for energy, when we could've gave that food to starving people. scientists are trying start using algae as biofuels too.


Monday 29 April 2019

alternative energy question three

 question three~  what are biofuels~

~ https://www.greenfacts.org/en/biofuels/l-2/1-definition.htm

~ biofuels are made from waste of living plants and animals
ex: wood, crops , corn , fishery produces food industry by produces.
primary biofuels wood burned for heating , cooking , secondary biofuels are from processing biomass into ethanal which can be used in gasoline.  ~

Thursday 25 April 2019

alternative energy inquiry task one

should Canada use more alternative energy?

~ the reason I chose this topic is because, I think we should use other types of energy besides burning fossil fuels, and I want to educate myself on what's going on in our country's energy system. I want to know what we're using now for our main source of energy and what we could use that's more sustainable for Canadas economy and environment. the only things I really know about this topic are, most of our energy comes from burning coal and hydro. ~  

alternative energy task two inquriy

my five inquiry questions

1. what is alternative energy?

2. what alternative energy does Canada produce?

3. what are biofuels?

4. are alternative energy more efficient ( sustainable) than burning fossil fuels?

5. are alternative energy's better for the environment?

alternative energy task three inquriy

question one. what is alternative energy?

~ alternative  energy sources are solar panels , wind mills and biomass energy.  conventional sources are fossil fuels ( oil , natural gases , coal ) and hydro electricity and nuclear power plants are NOT alternative energy.

question two. what alternative energy does Canada produce?

~  most of Canadas energy use is conventional 98% leaving only two percent as alternative.

alternative energy bibliography

 textbook chapter twenty four https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/facts/renewable-energy/20069