Tuesday 30 April 2019

alternative energy wind power/ biofuels

there's an unlimited amount of wind.... because its all round us. how these turbines work is opposite of a eclectic fan, the wind makes the turbine move and it generates electricity, instead of gas or water turbine. one singular turbine can generate the same amount of power as sixteen thousand solar panels. and depending where they are , the turbines are good for the environment and wildlife.

biofuels~  biofuels are made from living organisms like corn, soybean. in the future the united states wants to start using alfalfa and switchgrass as biofuels. if you're comparing which is more efficient, biofuels or fossil fuels, biofuels is the more efficient option because they're cheaper but you have to burn more to get the same amount of power. biofuels are hydrocarbons like fossil fuels, they both cause major pollution to the environment and atmosphere by releasing carbon dioxide in to the air. biofuels are carbon neutral, they absorb the whatever amount of carbon dioxide they produce. but however we need to look at how much food we're wasting for energy, when we could've gave that food to starving people. scientists are trying start using algae as biofuels too.


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alternative energy bibliography

 textbook chapter twenty four https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/facts/renewable-energy/20069